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Rigid Body Simulation

I created this simulation of rigid bodies colliding with each other as a side project, building upon the code base for the water simulation I build for my Physically Based Animation (CIS 563) class. I used the position based method described in Miles Macklin, Matthias Muller, Nuttapong Chentanez, and Tae-Yong Kim's paper "Unified Particle Physics for Real-Time Applications", which uses position based dynamics, shape matching constraints, and signed distance field collision calculations to predict the position of each rigid body particle at every time step. I built the simulation using C++ and OpenGL, then exported the particle position data at every time step into text files. Using MEL, I then imported the particle position data into Maya, mapped each border particle position to a vertex on the corresponding Maya primitive shape, then textured and rendered the simulation in V-Ray.
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